Apple Quality is Down the Shitter

In 2007, I got a job with EffectiveUI here in Denver as a Flex Developer. I’ll never forget my first day there: I was sitting alone at my desk for almost the entire day with nothing to do because nobody there had thought to have a computer ready for me when I started… (I actually spent […]
That Day Animal Alphabet HD Beat Out Cookie Doodle
Last October, I unofficially partnered up with Fish the Mouse Media and headed up the programming for Animal Alphabet HD, the interactive and kid-friendly alphabet app exclusively for iPad. After nearly 6 months of development (in mostly evening hours) interrupted only by the birth of my daughter in January 2011, the app was released to […]
RIV Announces RaptureXML for iOS!
I’m so pleased to announce a new project that’s now on GitHub called RaptureXML. It was born from the sheer aggravation using any of the current XML frameworks has caused me — and I’m sure every other iOS developer out there! The beauty of RaptureXML is the ability to use query paths, which leverage a […]
Smart Stacks v1.0 for iPad Released!
Pleased to announce that Rapture In Venice, in partnership with Patrick Hansen, has released Smart Stacks, a kids’ educational flash-card app exclusively for iPad! It’s been 6 months in the making and work on it came after all my full-time *and* client work. But, with both of us equally busy, we executed and got it […]