Rapture In Venice, LLC

:: Freelance iOS Development & Team Augmentation


No Longer a Hybrid Mobile Developer And No Longer Gone Insane

It’s been about 15 months since I retired from Android so I think it’s time for an update to see how it’s gone, yeah? Firstly, I’ll say that the response to that blog post was shocking. I had tons of comments/support/criticism from Reddit and Hacker News and I read all of it. Did I make the right […]


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It’s Been Real, Android: Why I’m Retiring From Android

Update 10/13 – Due to the overwhelming response, some updates were made to clarify my positions on things. Also, take note, there’s plenty to like about Android development, too! (No provisioning profiles, amirite?) I only focus on the warts because I’m explaining why I left Android. This week marks my final week of working on Android. […]


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Speeding up Android Studio

I’ve been using Android Studio for about a year now, adopting it early to get a jump on things. And in that time, I’ve certainly had my share of frustrations with it, but it’s going to be a superior tool to ADT when it comes out of beta, so it’s worth it to use it […]


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Introducing WebImageView

As a big fan of SDWebImage, I was both shocked and dismayed that the Android world had no such component. If you’re not familiar, SDWebImage is an iOS UIImageView extension that lets you set Web URL’s and have them automatically loaded and cached for better performance later. Often, a developer can get away with their […]


Using MotoBlur as a Dev Phone

At my office, I’m using a new Motorola MotoBlur as a dev phone for Android development. Wanted to share a little wrinkle in setting it up. As is common with Android, going to Settings -> Development presents you with an option to use your phone as a dev phone by linking it up to your […]


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