Rapture In Venice, LLC

:: Freelance iOS Development & Team Augmentation


It’s Been Real, Android: Why I’m Retiring From Android

Update 10/13 – Due to the overwhelming response, some updates were made to clarify my positions on things. Also, take note, there’s plenty to like about Android development, too! (No provisioning profiles, amirite?) I only focus on the warts because I’m explaining why I left Android. This week marks my final week of working on Android. […]


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Task List Pro now FREE — Here’s Why

Today, I made a few decisions with the small, but proud, set of apps that Rapture In Venice calls its very own on the App Store. First, and most importantly, Task List Pro is now free. Free as in beer. The reason why I’m doing this is because (A) I don’t market, advertise, or rely […]


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iBoost is now InnerBand!

Just a quick announcement, to avoid naming conflicts with the mobile provider I’ve renamed iBoost to InnerBand. It’s hosted at its new InnerBand GitHub location. John BlancoJohn Blanco is a freelance iOS developer living in Lakewood, Colorado. He’s been developing mobile apps for over 15 years, beginning in the medieval days of Java ME and […]

