Apple Quality is Down the Shitter

In 2007, I got a job with EffectiveUI here in Denver as a Flex Developer. I’ll never forget my first day there: I was sitting alone at my desk for almost the entire day with nothing to do because nobody there had thought to have a computer ready for me when I started… (I actually spent […]
Developing a Local CocoaPod Alongside Your iOS App
Whether you’re an independent developer or a large team building apps for multiple clients, there’s no better way to improve your efficiency than by collecting your most useful code into one re-usable, unit-tested framework. Today, I’m going to show you a great way to use CocoaPods so that you can simultaneously build your Swift apps while locating generalized solutions […]
Getting the Charles Debugging Proxy to Work with iOS
The Charles Web Debugging Proxy is a near mandatory tool for any developer. Getting it to work with your desktop apps is usually very easy since it just…works. However, for use with mobile, there are a couple tricks. Configuring for the iOS Simulator The iOS Simulator is a native app that “imitates” your iTouch device. […]
How to Memorize Block Syntax
Since block syntax came out alongside iOS 4, I’ve struggled to memorize it. Sure, blocks without return types or parameters = ^{ return @”super easy to recall”;}, but once you factor in arguments and want to accept a block argument in a method, thingsBecome:(CGFloat (^)(NSInteger way, id more, CGRect complex))dontYaThink? It’s no wonder that Fucking […]
Don’t Write a Class, Write a Category!
As an iPhone freelancer, I develop a lot of iOS apps. A lot. And one of the most important things to my business is that I leverage as much of my past work as possible when it comes to new projects. I have several strategies, but today I wanted to share one of my favorites: […]