Rapture In Venice, LLC

:: Freelance iOS Development & Team Augmentation

July, 2010

Is Good Code Impossible?

Commercial-quality code. Huh. That’s pretty funny.


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The Three20 Framework: Should You Use It?

I was tuned in to the Three20 framework about 4 months ago just before we were to start work on an app for a pretty well-known sports retailing client. What follows is a review of the framework so you can help yourself decide if it’s right for you.


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10 Things Apple Could Do to Make iPhone Development Perfect

I admit, I love developing for iPhone. I’ve been doing it non-stop for over a year, for various clients, full-time and part-time, and most of the annoyances many developers complain about I don’t even notice myself anymore. I don’t desire garbage collection — I can speak retain and release like I do English. I enjoy […]



IPA Targets for iPhone — Why and How?

Admittedly, one of the most annoying parts of building iPhone apps for clients is merely giving them the app to install. The usual case is that you hand them a *.app directory that, to a Mac user, looks like a file, but to a client using Windows it’s a directory. And when Windows users open […]



Too Many Images Slowing Down Interface Builder

The Problem On a project I’m working on, I’d noticed that Interface Builder started running really slowly once I’d added something on the order of 2,000 PNG’s to my XCode project. Why would I add so many images you ask? Because I needed to. :-) So, the result was that opening up any XIB file […]



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