Rapture In Venice, LLC

:: Freelance iOS Development & Team Augmentation


Tutorial: Using RaptureXML Like A Pro!

In a world with evolving data formats such as YAML and JSON, it’s remarkable how much we still use XML, but what’s even more remarkable is just how bad the XML parser offerings are for iOS. Whether you use the native NSXMLParser stuff or any of the many third-party frameworks, you’re forced to write a […]


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RIV Announces RaptureXML for iOS!

I’m so pleased to announce a new project that’s now on GitHub called RaptureXML. It was born from the sheer aggravation using any of the current XML frameworks has caused me — and I’m sure every other iOS developer out there! The beauty of RaptureXML is the ability to use query paths, which leverage a […]


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InnerBand Tutorial Part 2: Core Data Quick and Easy!

This is the second part of a multi-part series on the InnerBand Framework. Previously, in InnerBand Tutorial Part 1: Introduction and Functions, I reviewed what the InnerBand Framework is and the basic mechanics of its macros. The various Apple frameworks are hit and miss. Some of them, such as UIKit, are spot on in their […]


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The Three20 Framework: Should You Use It?

I was tuned in to the Three20 framework about 4 months ago just before we were to start work on an app for a pretty well-known sports retailing client. What follows is a review of the framework so you can help yourself decide if it’s right for you.


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