SwiftUI is the Future: A Poem
October 6, 2021 John Blanco Uncategorized
SwiftUI is the future
Of this I can be sure
It’s slicker than writing UIKit
Its intentions nothing but pure
Yet still SwiftUI pains me
How do I do this? Do that?
SwiftUI can be so fantastic
And other times falls so flat
SwiftUI is the future
It’ll be here when I’m long gone
SwiftUI is the future
But right now my layout is all wrong
John Blanco is a freelance iOS developer living in Lakewood, Colorado. He's been developing mobile apps for over 15 years, beginning in the medieval days of Java ME and Blackberry and all the way through iPhone and Android!
He's led development on dozens of apps across a wide variety of domains such as retail, vision, orthotics, games, sports, and more!
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