Author Archive
IPA Targets for iPhone — Why and How?
Admittedly, one of the most annoying parts of building iPhone apps for clients is merely giving them the app to install. The usual case is that you hand them a *.app directory that, to a Mac user, looks like a file, but to a client using Windows it’s a directory. And when Windows users open […]
Too Many Images Slowing Down Interface Builder
The Problem On a project I’m working on, I’d noticed that Interface Builder started running really slowly once I’d added something on the order of 2,000 PNG’s to my XCode project. Why would I add so many images you ask? Because I needed to. :-) So, the result was that opening up any XIB file […]
A UITabBarController Without Binding Items to Views
I’ve run across this on a project where I wanted what amounts to a UITabBarController for my iPhone app, but I want to have ONE shared view for 4 of the 5 tabs. This is impossible with UITabBarController as far as I can tell. However, there is hope. With a slightly different implementation, you can […]
Don’t Mix and Match your Google and Yahoo GPS!
Something interesting came up while working on a project of mine. The client wanted us to build a Store Locator but (A) couldn’t provide a Web service to the same stuff on their Web site and (B) could provide store information but not the GPS coordinates. I had some options for how to handle this, […]
Why I Switched from PureMVC to Mate…
For about a year now, I have used PureMVC exclusively for my Flex projects. I chose the framework because I could grasp all of the concepts and really understand the vision. Mediators could deliver on separating the views from the rest of the applications. Proxies could deliver models without having Singletons all over. Commands, well, we all know those. Combine it all under the ApplicationFacade, and everything made sense. I was sold.
Until recently…