Rapture In Venice, LLC

:: Freelance iOS Development & Team Augmentation

The Ruby Version Manager

If you’re doing Ruby and not using RVM, you simply need to be. There’s not only a big difference between Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9, but you’ll likely want some different gemsets to use different Rails versions, including the new 3.x series. Here’s the most concise guide possible for setting up RVM. (Mac OS X instructions only)

  1. Uninstall any ruby installs from brew or ports. You can leave the system ruby alone, it feels good to keep it there. :-)
  2. Install RVM: bash < <(curl -sk https://rvm.beginrescueend.com/install/rvm)
  3. You may want to restart Terminal now to make sure your path is right.
  4. Run: rvm list known
  5. Install a Ruby. Here’s how you’d install 1.9.3: rvm install 1.9.3
  6. You can install other Rubies if you want. Pick the one you want to use with: rvm use 1.9.3
  7. Did it work? which ruby

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John Blanco

John Blanco is a freelance iOS developer living in Lakewood, Colorado. He's been developing mobile apps for over 15 years, beginning in the medieval days of Java ME and Blackberry and all the way through iPhone and Android! He's led development on dozens of apps across a wide variety of domains such as retail, vision, orthotics, games, sports, and more!

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